Icterus parisorum

Scott's oriole
Amaris Feland Ketcham



Before daybreak he sings his story.

Promises adrift in the wind.

A melody to build his boundary;

he’s tying the yucca’s loose ends.


Promises adrift in the wind.

Whistles echo in the foothills.

He’s tying the yucca’s loose ends

and weaving a nest to fight the chill.


Echoes whistle through the foothills.

Lemon-yellow and black,

weaving a nest to fight the chill

of desert night falling against his back.


Lemon-yellow and black

the goodhearted errors of the past

fall like desert night upon his back.

The heat in his heart cannot broadcast


the heartshaken promises of the past.

Before daybreak he sings his story

but the heat in his heart cannot broadcast

a melody built of boundaries.




Amaris Feland Ketcham occupies her time with open space, white space, CMYK, flash nonfiction, long trails, f-stops, line breaks, and several Adobe programs running simultaneously. Her work has appeared in Creative Nonfiction, Kenyon Review, and Prairie Schooner. Her book of poems about the Sandia Mountains is available from Finishing Line Press.