Sialia currucoides
Mountain bluebird
LeeAnn Meadows
tew tew tew
sing me your dawn song
capture the sky
in a woodpecker nest
with your mate
the color of a cloudy day
tew tew tew
in the valley below
the Organ Mountains
the blue pair of you
flits over open fields
my feet feel light
on the ditch bank
your flight path
tew tew tew
I breathe in blueness
and cannot imagine
a past or a future or your trek
from Canada to Mexico
the bird guide says
you migrate in small flocks
tew tew tew
late winter light
gleams off two pairs
of blue wings
moving like water
in a figure eight pattern
left to right
right to left
I watch you fly away
LeeAnn Meadows, born and raised in Humboldt County, California, now calls New Mexico home. She lives on the outskirts of Las Cruces with her artist/husband Glenn Schwaiger and two dogs in an old adobe motel surrounded by pecan trees. Her poetry explores relationships with family, her dogs, and nature.