Pecari tajacu angulatus
Collared peccary
Nick Dante
All morning,
below mesquite
extensions, their eyes
unveil the valley
and all its impostors.
Even-toed bandits,
grizzly gray,
roam in herds:
snouts seek and dig
for succulence.
Molars crush
and sever root,
cacti, and grass.
There is enough
moisture released
in the squeeze
for one more day.
Because, in the brush,
they are defender,
and they leave
the resistance
of musk along
the path to warn
of dominion, and the infinite
clack of canines and tusk,
dagger-sharp, grate
against one another to carry
a single message:
this range was not made
for human impulse.
Nick Dante is a poet, essayist, and creative writing teacher from the San Gabriel Valley. Having family in New Mexico, Nick has many vivid memories from from his childhood of the mystifying landscape and abundant life of the Organ mountains, including the collared peccary.